Full Name
Gender: Male Female
Address: (Please fill all required fields)
General Information: (Please fill all required fields)
Martial Status: Single Married Other
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Position Applied for
Expected Salary
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Do You Have A Car Yes No
Academic Qualifications
Degree Institution Graduation Date Major GPA
High School
Ph. D
Language Degree of speaking Writing degree Reading degree
Excellent Good Fair Excellent Good Fair Excellent Good Fair
Work Experience (Newest to Oldest)
Organization Position Employment Reason for Leaving
From (dd/mm/yyyy) To (dd/mm/yyyy)
1) Are you qualified to work in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan?
2) Are you currently working?
If the answer is yes, please mention the company’s name
Do you mind if we contact your previous/current employer?
3) Do you have another job whether in private of public sector?
4) Do you have any entry in the Jordanian Ministry of Industry Trade & Supply related to the required job?
5) Have you ever been requested to resign by your employer or been terminated?
If your answer is yes, please mention company names and reasons:
6) Are you capable of working different hours/shifts?
7) Are you capable of working after hours including weekends?
8) Are you capable of performing main tasks for the job you have applied for?
9) How did you hear about us?
10) Have you previously worked for us?
11) Do you have any relatives or connections working with us?
If your answer is yes, please mention the names
12) Do you have any relatives or connections working in the same field?
If your answer is yes, please mention the names, relation, and work place
References : mention three people who are not relatives (ex. previous manager, University Professor, …)
Name Relationship Occupation Phone Number
Please amend the sentence into:Required documents upload:· Curriculum Vitae (CV)· Practice license (for Medical technologists)· Most current University certificate.
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Head Office +962 6 5816053